Sunday, February 7, 2010

Armendora - Chapter 13

Sorry for the late posting.. Here it is.. Chapter 13!

Chapter 13
Family Reunited

They arrived at the castle just in time. Security was informed of the arrival of Alyssa. The castle looked horrible from the inside. Torches were lit instead of lamps—electricity was invented when Alyssa was born—and every picture in the castle was Helmcit's. Eerie crept inside Ned as they marched together, heading towards Helmcit’s chamber. Each corridor, every turn, was filled with guards. The security is tighter inside than it is outside. It seems like Helmcit knows his life won’t be safe once he’s King.
As they walked through the dim corridors, the guards watched them. Their red, small eyes were determined and full of hatred. One by one, the dark guards follow them as they made their way to Helmcit's chamber. A sudden chill filled the corridor as more and more guards follow them, as if reading their minds. Whispers could be heard from their invisible mouths, possibly talking about our heroes.
As sudden as the chill came, it went away after a while. The guards backed away, fright was in their faces. Ahead of them, a speck of light appeared, heading towards them.
“What’s that?” asked Ned.
“I don’t know,” answered Alyssa. “This corridor’s supposed to be dark, not even a speck of light can break through the windows” said Alyssa, pointing towards the dark, grim windows on the walls.
Lancelot, however, smiled happily.
“Oh, I think you’ll be happy to see who they are,” he said with a tone of relief.
“What are you talking about, Grandpa?” asked Alyssa. “Are you saying you know them?”
“Oh, not just me,” said Lancelot. “Ned knows them too.”
“What are—“ Ned blurted out.
Ned stopped talking when the figures in front of them became clearer and clearer. Two familiar faces were looking at them, smiling. As the strangers saw Ned, they started to walk faster which turns to a slow jog that moves faster and faster.
“Ned!” shouted one of the strangers, recognized by Ned.
“Mom! Dad!” Ned shouted.
“Sarah!” shouted Lancelot.
After a long hug, Sarah said “Why did you come here? Don’t you know it’s dangerous?”
“I was warned,” began Ned, “but I didn’t listen.”
“Hi, Dad,” said Sarah to Lancelot.
“Sarah, I’m really sorry for banishing you from your own home,” said Lancelot. “But it’s for your own good, especially for Ned who’s in so much danger.”
“I know, Dad,” said Sarah. “How can we deny the prophecy? And yet, here he is, as promised.”
“Prophecy?” asked Ned. “What prophecy?”
“Grandpa, I didn’t know anything about a prophecy,” said Alyssa.
“I’m sorry I’ve been lying to you,” began Lancelot, “but it’s for your own good.”
“It’s true,” said Sarah, agreeing with Lancelot. “He was lying about me leaving Armendora. I didn’t leave because he asked me to; I left because of the prophecy.”
“What prophecy?” asked Ned. “Will you guys stop the confessing and apologizing and tell me what the prophecy is?”
“Okay, dear,” said Sarah. “If you really want to know about it.”
“The prophecy was derived from the Sacred Cave’s walls about thirty years ago,” began Sarah. “During that time, I was just born. So, your grandfather had already expected that it’ll be me who will bring all this.”
“The prophecy said ‘BEWARE, LANCELOT; FOR DANGER COMES WITH THE BIRTH OF YOUR SECOND CHILD,’ and it was right,” said Lancelot. “Trouble did come when your mother was born.”
“That doesn’t sound like it has anything to do with me,” said Ned.
“Well, the problem is,” said Sarah, “it has everything to do with you. Most of the damages and wars that hit Armendora came right after I was born. The city you see right now was what left of it.”
“It used to be more beautiful than this,” said Alex. “More buildings, more fun. This palace was not like this the last time I saw it.”
“You mean it has changed?” asked Ned.
“All of it has changed,” said Lancelot. “From the city to the rules, all of them. Helmcit even wanted to change the name of this city. But he never could.”
“Why not?”
“Change the name, and the city will collapse,” said Lancelot, “together with the people.”
“Every single thing, dead or alive.”
“Where’s Alyssa?” asked Sarah.
When they looked, Sarah was right. Alyssa was nowhere to be found.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Armendora - Chapter 13 Coming on 31st August!

Well, the title explains everything...

So, be sure to check back on 31st August for the 13th Chapter of "Armendora"!!!

With all due respect,
Hafiz Khairuddin

Monday, July 27, 2009

Other Copies of Armendora...

If you search for "Armendora" in Google or Yahoo, you would find that there are two links that will lead you to the story. One is here, Lancelot Gobbo, and the other is at hafiz_qdeen's Xanga site. Take note that both sites are my blogs. But, I haven't updated my Xanga account since I post my stories here. The name is also different, being "The Armendora Chronicles" at my Xanga site and "Armendora" here. Well, at first I decided to do a sequel for this novel. But, the pace of me writing it makes me think twice. So, the sequel is still on hold.

That's all I wanted to say... Chapter 13 is in progress, with a few ideas I derived while I was waiting for my appointment with the doctor. So, do wait and don't forget to give comments!

WIth all due respect,
Hafiz Khairuddin

Monday, June 29, 2009

Armendora - Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve

City of Armendora

Ned’s practice took one more day. Alyssa insisted that they should continue their journey—even though Armendora is not that far. Apparently, she’s worried about Gloria, her guardian and the time given by Helmcit is running out.

“We better hurry up,” said Alyssa, “or we will lose Gloria forever.”

“Calm down, Alyssa,” said Ned. “We are going there, okay?”

“How many times do you want me to calm down?” asked Alyssa. “I’ve had it, okay? I want to go there, with or without you!”

“Alyssa!” shouted Ned. “Wait! We are going there now, okay? I’ve finished my practices. It’s payback time. So, please don’t do this again or I’ll freak out.”

“Freak out?” asked Alyssa. “Why would you freak out?”

“Because I care about you,” said Ned. “I can’t live without you, you know. I love you so much. I can’t leave you wandering around fighting your stepfather/uncle alone.”

“Ned’s right, Alyssa,” said Lancelot. “We need to stay together to fight that wretched stepfather of yours. Otherwise, we won’t win and you’ll lose Armendora to him forever.”

“All right then,” said Alyssa.

“We’ll continue practicing along the way,” suggested Ned. “After all, I still need more practice and we are running out of time.”

“So, what are we waiting for?” said Alyssa. “Let’s go!”

As they continue their journey to Armendora, Ned practiced harder and harder, memorizing spells and enchantments that gets more and more complicated to perform. As Ned practiced, Alyssa gave Ned encouragement and support so that Ned gets stronger and stronger.

They stopped at many places for short rests. They spent a night at a nearby forest, not very far from Armendora. That night, Alyssa had a dream.

She was in the dungeon where her mother was locked up. But, her mother was not there. Instead, her father was in front of her, begging her to free him from the dungeon. “I don’t want to die in here,” her father begged. But, Alyssa couldn’t do anything except telling her father to calm down while she searched for the keys. When she found the keys, it was too late for her to save her father. Alyssa woke up, screaming. Luckily, neither Ned nor Lancelot woke up. So, Alyssa went back to sleep, hoping that the nightmare won’t bother her again. The next morning, she had totally forgotten about the dream.

Their journey to Armendora took about thirty minutes. When they arrived—in disguises as Alyssa was wanted for betraying her own kingdom—they went straight for the Castle. Ned looked around in amazement. The streets were full of shops on both sides. People passed by here and there, stopping at the shops while doing their daily shopping for groceries and daily necessities. The buildings were aligned in a way that was complicated. To Ned, it is really easy to get lost in such a city. But, with the help from Alyssa and Lancelot, they moved towards the Castle without any trouble. The buildings were old-looking and almost creepy; the only building that looked nice and in good shape was the Castle itself. Ned wondered if Helmcit was the one to blame for the old, creepy-looking buildings in Armendora. But, despite the creepy buildings, Armendora is full of life and chattering.

Lancelot, Ned and Alyssa passed through the city easily and unnoticed. As they turn at each junction, people seem to not notice that the most wanted suspect is among them—with reinforcement too. Even though people look curiously at them, nobody informed the guards about them. To the people of Armendora, seeing people acting curiously is common since the before Alyssa’s father became King. In Armendora, everyone was meant to be careful all the time as the crime rate is quite high. You might be beaten up just because you accidentally bumped into someone. You’ll be lucky if there’s a guard nearby. If not, you’ll end up in the hospital.

Throughout the journey to the castle, Ned can’t help himself thinking about his life. What had actually caused this to happen? What possible reason that made his parents left Armendora? He’s sure it’s not just the death of a brother that made her ran away. Was it something else? Could it have something to do with the kingdom itself? Or worse, because of Helmcit's cruel act? Question after question flew inside Ned’s head. None of them made sense, he thought. But, he needs to know. He has to.

He must know before it’s too late.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Armendora - Chapter 12 is in progress...

This is getting really slow, isn't it? But, the good news is Armendora is still in progress.. I'll post the next chapter as soon as I have finished it.. Sorry for the delay, guys!

With all due respect,
Hafiz Khairuddin

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Armendora - Chapter 11

This is the 11th chapter of Armendora. Do give me some ideas on how do you want to see how the story goes, okay? In desperate need of some great ideas...

Chapter Eleven

Sarahs History




Ned’s training began early the next day. Ned was trained with self defence first before learning magic from Lancelot. With the help from the books in the Sacred Cave, Ned was able to master the simplest spells within minutes.

After a few days of training, Ned was tested to make a bridge using magic. The bridge must be able to withstand the weight of an elephant, over the Grim River, the largest, widest, deepest river in Armendora; the largest Ned had ever seen. The current of the river was really fast, anybody could never survive once they feel in it. The river banks were lined with mosses and slippery stones that nobody can hold on to if they were to try and save themselves.

“What the purpose of this test again?” asked Ned. “I thought this magic was supposed to be used against Helmcit, not to build bridges.”

“The only way,” said Lancelot, “to go to the Castle is crossing this river, Ned. There’s no other way to go. Not if you can master the art of Appear and Disappear.”

“Why can’t we use that instead?” asked Ned.

“Because it’s Dark Magic, Ned,” said Alyssa. “That’s why. We don’t want you to be as evil as Helmcit. Dark Magic can turn someone so good and kind to someone who is merciless; like Helmcit.”

“Are you saying that Helmcit was a good man before all this?” asked Ned.

“Yes,” replied Lancelot. “Helmcit was a very good man. But his greed forced him to learn Dark Magic and eventually, he became bad, even worse than some of the Kings who ruled Armendora before.”

“So, we need the bridge,” said Ned, “to cross this river and defeat him?”

“Isn’t that what I told you before?” asked Lancelot.

“Oh, come on, Ned,” said Alyssa. “Let’s hurry up. I don’t want anything to happen to Gloria or my mother.”

“Right,” said Ned.


With certain difficulties (and a little help from Alyssa), Ned built a beautiful bridge. Since Ned’s magic is not strong, the bridge lasted only for 30 minutes before it disappeared. Crossing the bridge was another story. Even though Ned’s bridge was beautiful, it was not as strong as it should have been. There were some holes on the bridge, making it hard to cross. Also, the bridge does not have any fence on either side of it, making it even harder to cross as they have to avoid falling into the river through the holes and falling over either side of the bridge. Eventually, they made it across.

“Your magic needs more practice, Ned,” said Lancelot. “We’ll do some more tonight.”

They spent the night in a nearby cottage. The cottage was abandoned and according to Lancelot, the cottage was once belonged to Ned’s grandparents; before he was born. Ned’s mother met his father when she was learning history at the Old Castle. They accidentally bumped into each other in the Empty Forest when Ned’s father was collecting herbs for medicinal purposes. At that time, it was love at first sight for them.

“Once I know the truth,” said Lancelot, “I quickly forbid it. But, your mother was so stubborn; she decided to marry your father no matter what the cost; even if it meant losing the throne.”

“So, that’s why the Sacred Cave greeted me as ‘Prince’,” said Ned.

“Oh, do tell me more, grandpa,” said Alyssa. “I do want to know more about my dear cousin here.”

“Oh, come on, Alyssa,” said Ned. “Now you’re calling me cousin?”

“What’s wrong with that?” asked Alyssa. “You’re still my one and only; there’s no doubt about that.”

“Are you sure you don’t mind?” asked Ned to Lancelot.

“Well,” said Lancelot, “you two are very much like a long lost family reunited. But, since Sarah really wanted to marry Alex, she risked herself on losing the throne to her brother, Baltrix.”

“Wait,” said Ned. “So, my father didn’t change his name; only my mother and I did?”

“Hmm,” began Lancelot, “that’s right. He didn’t change his name, as far as I’m concerned. I don’t really remember your father well, Ned. But, he was a kind gentleman. Even though I was against the marriage, I always knew that he will take care of Sarah and the child they would have; which they did.”

“What else I should know about my family?” asked Ned.

“Nothing more that I can remember,” said Lancelot. “Maybe there’s more, but I can’t really figure out what.”

“Well, that’s okay,” said Ned. “Maybe we should begin my practice?”

“Oh, right,” said Lancelot. “I totally forgot about that.”

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Another Pause on Armendora...

I'm sorry to tell you guys this but, there is another pause on 'Armendora' as I'm awfully busy with my works. The 11th Chapter will be posted as soon as possible since I'm currently stuck in Chapter 12. I'm really sorry for any inconvenience caused...

With all due respect,
Hafiz Khairuddin